The Zone of the Enders series includes two objective shooter games with awesome mecha fighters.
It was invented by Hideo Kojima, the creator of METAL GEAR SOLID.
These games offer the player full control over a giant mecha robot that pits itself against other mechas in spectacular dogfights.
Even so, the Zones of the Enders games are, at heart, the classic story of an ordinary boy who becomes a hero through chance encounters.
The story follows the player on their journeys in space, and has been updated through a series of animated sequences. The series has been updated, and the two classic titles have been brought together for Zone of the Enders: HD Collection.
Both games have been remastered with HD graphics and run at 60 fps. In Zone of the Enders: HD Collection, the player travels through a vast space colony orbiting Jupiter. His mission is to defeat the horrible Orbital Frames, using the Jehuty, an advanced mecha prototype. The new unit is equipped with an energy sword, projectiles, and other new weapons. The Jehuty's arsenal increases as the player progresses, and its abilities develop as well. The Mecha Jehuty can move in 3D, as well as fly and hover over terrain.
Its multiple weapons can also snag a single enemy Frame target. The unit is capable of advanced maneuvers, such as grabbing and throwing enemies into the air, deploying an energy shield, and using jets to move quickly and avoid enemy attacks. Zone of the Enders: HD Collection also offers a large number of bonuses and VR missions.