Under the threat of rival gangs and corrupt officials, the saints of 3rd Street must conquer the city or face destruction.
But this is not an ordinary city. Bridge to the rust belt, the still water is a living breathing environment where enemies can strike back at any moment and send you reinforcements.
Saints Row 2 brings true freedom to open-world games. Players can play how they want, when they want, and with whom they want in this sequel to the highly acclaimed and extremely successful Saints Row.
A world fully illuminated dynamically: car headlights and muzzle turn signals light up the world of Saint's Row.
Next Gen shaders enable the real-time creation of effects previously reserved for movies.
"Pedestrians react to your actions and remember who you are. Not representing, and the other gang members will lose respect for you."
Show off your latest car, wear expensive clothes, and women will notice you.
Unlimited customization. Play as fully customizable characters who are men, women, or something in between.
The complete multiplayer and cooperative campaign has seamless integration (for example, one player drives while the other shoots).