ExoFox5 has successfully completed its mission!
His analysis of Eurybia confirms that this planet is the best option for the deployment of Project Reworld. We can't wait any longer!
Your objective is to make this planet habitable before the population ship fleet reaches it.
The fate of humanity is in your hands.
Good luck Admiral!
Reworld is an interstellar adventure in two chapters.
Chapter One: At Colossus Station, with your officers, you will load your freighter with the precious modules intended to make Eurybia habitable.
Your keen sense of planning will be put to the test, don't let your opponents deflect you from your objective!
Chapter Two: In orbit around Eurybia, you will launch your modules to develop cities, transform the ground and establish a defense network around the planet.
Your prior planning will help, but know how to adapt to the situation. Our survival is up to you!