Ride off into the sunset with an Outlaws of Thunder Junction booster box full of treasures.
In this box you will find 12 Outlaws of Thunder Junction collector booster packs, each containing 15 Magic: The Gathering cards and 1 traditional double-sided foil token, with 5 cards of rare or higher rarity and 5 rare cards, 4 common cards and 1 card Full-Art Western Landscape in every package.
Each booster contains 6 alt-border cards, a total of 10-12 traditional foil foil cards, and can even contain a card with exclusive Collector Booster special treatment.
A land of opportunities. . . for the crime!
Welcome to the all-new Thunder Junction Frontier Plane. Bad comes to town, and Oko's team of Multiverse villains pull off the biggest heist this side of the law. There's only one thing left they need to succeed: you.
The Outlaw's Paradise
It's outlaw versus outlaw, and the new conspiracy and crime mechanics make harassing your opponent truly profitable. But that's not all: the new mechanical mount allows you to saddle creatures that were bad to the bone before even releasing them onto the battlefield.
There is gold in this plane
Read everything on the Breaking News sheet and score big when you crack dazzling Vault cards. Keep an eye out for Thunder Junction's most notorious villains on Wanted Poster showcase cards; They're the dream team if you can harass them.
What are game boosters?
There was a time when fans had to choose: buy draft boosters to play with friends or buy set boosters that could contain more rares, cool treatments, and fun bonuses.
Those days are over. Presentation: Play Boosters, the booster with all the exciting possibilities of a Set Booster and the balanced game of Draft Boosters! Why choose?
Fun to open
Play Boosters are full of cool cards and fun surprises. Each pack contains at least 1 card of Rare or higher rarity (with up to 5!) and at least 1 shiny Traditional Foil card.
Game booster packs may also contain an art card featuring artwork from the set, and in some packs you'll find a special additional card from Magic history.
Fun to play
Game boosters are specially balanced for limited play. Take 6 packs to build a deck and compete against your friends in sealed games, or take 3 packs and pass them around to build your deck in a booster draft.
They're also perfect for Constructed formats: open as many packs as you want and let your creativity flow!