Go on an extraordinary journey aboard your Plane. In the wake of the little girl from the film, fly from cloud to cloud and try to join the Little Prince on his planet.
In this modular course game, try to collect the maximum number of stars on the clouds and on the borders of the imagination. It's not a race but the first to arrive on the little Prince's planet win bonus stars.
On your turn, play a card from your hand and move your plane forward that many spaces or less. When you arrive alone on a cloud, you can, depending on the type of cloud, collect stars, win additional cards that will help you advance further or find telescopes.
If a player is already present on the arrival cloud, draw a card from their hand and return the card of your choice to them.
It is always the player furthest from the finish who plays. So no one is ever left behind.
One sees clearly only with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye.
Antoine de Saint-Exupéry