In the near future, unknown creatures that "assimilate" all life forms, called Aragami, have forced humanity into hiding in order to survive. A last hope has been placed in a few fearless individuals called "God Eaters" who have the ability to retaliate against the enemy using the biological weapon "Divine Weapon" developed by the biochemical company "Fenrir".
However a new threat appeared when the "Ash Lands", a new particle floating in the air, grew and turned any structure into ashes. No branch of Fenrir could resist the invasion of the "Ashlands", causing the entire system to collapse.
To survive this threat, the survivors built underground bases, called "FORT", in hidden places. They have also created a new generation of soldiers called "God Eater Adaptives" or "GEA", exhibiting great resistance to the "Ashlands", and who continue to fight for the future of Humanity.