The thrill of danger...the sweat of battle...the rush of discovery.
It's D&D dynamite on Sega Genesis - alive with sizzling colors, graphics and sounds.
Create your own unique characters from seven classes, including Fighter, Magic User, and Elf.
Prepare for combat, intrigue, magic - enough for a lifetime! It's the richness of D&D gaming, with the power of Sega Genesis. Everything at once.
Your characters have been transported to an inescapable valley. There are mysteries to unravel... risks to face... evil to destroy! Outdoors, plan battle tactics from a 3D aerial view.
Underground, melee combat in a blazing first-person 3D perspective. Are your characters being chased? Lost? Trap?
Find the exit with an automatic mapper that updates their progress.
Master the D&D universe. Because now you have the power of Sega Genesis!