How I Adopted a Wildebeest is a new dice game to tell incredible, crazy, crispy...unforgettable stories!
An explosive concept, both educational for children and absolutely delirious for adults!
At the heart of the game: 6 colored dice with transition words on each side, such as I must confess / But / Suddenly / On the other hand / I had planned the blow / That's how .
To tell his story, the player/narrator rolls the 6 colored dice one after the other, respecting the order from lightest to darkest (see photos). After each die, all you have to do is invent the rest of the sentence - and more if you want - to move forward easily in a story rich in twists and turns!
Finally, there is the famous, the formidable DE NOIR! At any time in a story, another player can use it to intervene, spice up the adventure, ask questions, contradict, approve, titillate...
The narrator responds and resumes his story by integrating (or not) the new elements brought!
The main thing is that you will especially have a great time telling crazy stories with this unusual game!
You can marry the Wildebeest and the Dragon! The principle of these games is identical but you can multiply the themes and lengthen your stories with 14 dice!