Renowned game producer Hironobu Sakaguchi of Mistwalker and developer Artoon present the highly anticipated role-playing game exclusively for Xbox 360, Blue Dragon. With characters drawn by Akira Toriyama creator of Dragon Ball Z and music by Nobuo Uematsu of Final Fantasy, Blue Dragon is an epic role-playing game centered on a young boy named Shu and several of his friends.
Shu and his friends must use their shadows as weapons to fight the villainous Nene and an ancient human race, guardians of a magical power thought to be gone for centuries. Shu and his friends must use their knowledge to save their world from impending chaos.
On a planet where different peoples meet and where many ancient ruins remain, the characters and their shadows cross a world full of mysteries and illusions, where the slightest gesture can cause reactions of unprecedented magnitude.
As their quest progresses, Warriors can create unique ways of fighting through several types of Shadow Change. Players can then decide to prioritize certain skill areas for their hero. So the more your quest progresses, the more the shadows increase their level and gain new skills associated with the task they perform.