Welcome to a world of heroes: Sergeant Hawk is the heart and soul of the Green Army.
Decorated numerous times for bravery and martial skill, he is the perfect plastic warrior.
Even heroes have nightmares, and Sarge's worst nightmare is about to become reality. His friends, his comrades, and his nation are about to be plunged into the abyss of war.
Sarge and the Green Army have repeatedly foiled Tan in their drive to dominate the plastic world.
Even General Plastro has been forced to accept that Tan's ruse cannot overcome the Green nation's commitment to freedom. But even as the big day approaches, when Tan and Green will put pen to a treaty of peace, destiny looms over the green nation. The eyes look from afar, the eyes filled with hatred, rage and evil: the eyes of malice.
As celebration fills the streets of Green Town, Malice's renegade army prepares a doomsday weapon, which will devastate the Green Nation and the dream of peace.
Sarge is about to be left alone, to fight a war against an unknown enemy, with no one to help him.
His skill and bravery are about to be tested in a war like no other... Sarge's War... Never fight a man who has nothing to lose.