In the spy world in which Obsidian Entertainment's new RPG "Alpha Protocol" takes place, appearances are often deceiving...
Players will take on the shoes of Michael Thorton, an extremely talented (albeit quite inexperienced) government agent trained to eliminate all threats to national security. After a monumental failure of a mission, Thorton becomes the only one with the information, the capacities and the courage necessary to put an end to what could become an international catastrophe. But to do so, he will have to use the same government directive that his enemy tried to use against him: the Alpha Protocol.
Alpha Protocol is set in a contemporary world and offers the player complete control of Thorton, not only in his actions, but also in his personality and attitude, all of which determine the future of the entire world! Blending modern combat, advanced character development and innovative gameplay options, "Alpha Protocol" brings a fresh perspective to the RPG genre.