In Special Geek Shit Questions, everyone chooses a pixel and Jedi color.
The pixels are placed on the starting squares of the game board. The leader collects the Jedi from the other players and asks one question among the three proposed on a card, eg. "Yoda, what does he smell?"
Each of the other players answers when he wants and what he wants: Alcohol and cigarettes; garlic spray; the PAIC Lemon...
After each answer, the leader places the player's Jedi on the voting board, either on the dark side or the light side. At the end of the round, he rolls the dice to designate the winning side.
If the die shows the skull, it is the dark side; the star is the luminous side; the heart, it is he who chooses the side!
The players on the winning side advance one floor on the game board. The player or players who arrive first on the last floor win the game, but they face the Boss there by answering the three questions on the same card.
Depending on their answers, dark or light, the winners earn an honorary title such as Queen of the Dragons or Sith Lord Uveu Tupeu!
Mix Shit Questions games at will!