Have fun interpreting the concepts!
Thanks to the many icons and the possibilities offered by their interactions, there are several ways to make each word guess. But it's not the simplest concepts that are the easiest to guess. Each time, the player who finds the word and the team that guessed it win victory points. To win, you must accumulate the most points at the end of the game.
An example worthy of all descriptions, here is one:
a white liquid? Eating ? Milk ! Each challenge map has three difficulties. Still by way of example: man? Country ? Blue, white and red? The country of human rights, of course! Each team will have to use common sense to place their pawns on the most logical ideas.... Or which seem logical to them! The answers will be more often to laugh than to cry!
The winner will not matter: everyone will have fun interpreting the concepts and commenting on how other players guess! It is above all a game of communication and atmosphere.
The number of cubes placed on the icons to guess a word is unlimited, as is the number of answers offered - for as many slices of laughter.